How To Choose The Best Outdoor Furniture for your Pub Garden

Summer is just about here, and with the nice weather comes many opportunities to spend evenings relaxing in a sunny pub garden. If you’re thinking of giving your pub garden a refresh, replacing your outdoor furniture is a great place to start. But with so many options out there, how do you choose the best outdoor furniture for your pub garden

Luckily for you, we’ve put together a simple guide to help you create a beer garden which ticks all the boxes, from functionality to style.

outdoor furniture for pubs

Figure Out How Much Space You Have

Start by evaluating the size and layout of your pub garden. Measure the area to understand how much space you have and consider the flow of movement for your guests so that you can allow enough room for them to move between the tables, particularly in higher traffic areas like doorways. 

Having a good idea of how much space you have will help you determine the types and quantities of furniture you'll need without overcrowding the space. Though it can be tempting to squeeze in as many seats as possible, an area where guests are practically sitting on each other’s laps isn’t conducive to a positive dining experience!

Circle or oval outdoor dining tables work well for more intimate gatherings, as they mean everybody is facing inward towards each other. However, round tables can quickly become cramped for larger groups of guests, and they can be an inefficient use of space in smaller beer gardens, taking up a larger area to seat the same number of people. Smaller spaces often benefit from the classic rectangular outdoor dining tables which efficiently provide enough space for large groups to enjoy a meal outdoors without feeling cramped. 

Decide On a Clear Function For The Space

Consider the different functions your outdoor space will serve. Whether it's for casual drinks, full meals, or entertainment, your pub garden furniture should be versatile and functional. If you have a particularly large, sprawling pub garden, consider how you can meaningfully fill the space without just crowding it full of picnic benches. Consider creating different areas for various activities, such as dining, lounging, or socialising. The more you can tailor your beer garden to your customers, the longer they’ll stay!

A mix of dining tables, lounge seating, and bar stools can be really effective. You should make sure the tables and chairs are the right height for a comfortable experience - check out our guide on the standard table and chair heights in the UK for more information.


Solid Reclaimed Wood Outdoor Table

Solid Reclaimed Wood Outdoor Table - The Bespoke Carpentry Co.

Match Your Outdoor Furniture To Your Pub’s Style

Your pub's outdoor furniture should reflect its overall theme and atmosphere. Whether you're going for a rustic, contemporary, or industrial look, our reclaimed wood furniture can be customised to suit your style. Reclaimed wood lends itself particularly well to rustic or vintage styles, with the natural charm and history of the wood shining through. Our reclaimed wood dining tables can also take a variety of finishes and stains to further customise the furniture to your desired style.

Choose The Right Materials To Combine Comfort And Durability

Outdoor furniture needs to withstand various weather conditions whilst still providing comfort to your guests. Wood is a wonderfully durable material, especially when properly finished and maintained. We only use the highest quality wood and a long-lasting finish to ensure your furniture pieces are water resistant, insect proof and highly durable for many years of life in your pub garden. 

We coat all of our outdoor pub garden furniture in a layer of hard wax oil before they leave our workshop as standard, which creates that all-important water-resistant protective layer ensuring any spillages or rainwater can be easily wiped away. Our outdoor dining tables are also made with 5mm gaps between the planks of the table top to enable rainwater run-off.

Reclaimed wood live edge outdoor dining table and benches

Reclaimed wood live edge outdoor dining table and benches - The Bespoke Handmade Co.

Consider A Sustainable Choice

With growing awareness of environmental impact, choosing sustainable furniture options can set your pub apart. Our reclaimed wood furniture not only looks great but also promotes eco-friendly practices. 

About 5 million tonnes of waste wood is generated every year in the UK, and until recently, the majority of that waste wood ended up in landfills. This is where it rots, releasing methane - one of the greenhouse gases, which contribute to climate change. 100% of our handmade outdoor furniture is made from carefully selected, genuine reclaimed wood, keeping it out of landfill and eliminating the need to chop down more trees to build your pub garden furniture. 

Plan a Cleaning And Maintenance Routine

Even the most durable furniture needs proper maintenance to extend its life. Reclaimed wood furniture massively benefits from regular care, so give your pub garden furniture a wipe and a dust regularly to remove dirt from any surfaces, with deeper care required periodically. Our reclaimed wood cleaning and maintenance kit comes with everything you need to nurture your furniture, including a gentle wood cleaning spray formulated to protect the wood’s finish, and a hard wax oil for use every six months. 

View our full guide to cleaning and maintaining your outdoor pub garden furniture.

Plan For Accessories

Well-placed accessories such as soft furnishings, decorations and lighting can all help bring your pub garden to life. Choosing your pub garden furniture with accessories in mind will help you later down the line - for example, do you need your outdoor dining tables to be able to accommodate parasols? 

Don’t forget to go shopping for a variety of cushions and throws to provide extra comfort to your guests when it’s dry out. Choosing solar-powered lighting solutions can also be a great way to be a bit more environmentally conscious in your pub garden whilst still giving a luxurious feel. Any decorations you choose will be the icing on the cake, with the intrinsic style of your bespoke furniture providing the perfect base for any theme.

The Bespoke Carpentry Co. Outdoor Pub Garden Furniture

Our experienced carpenters take our hand-selected pieces of genuine reclaimed wood and rework it into stunning pieces of outdoor furniture, perfect for any pub garden. Each piece is made to order, providing you with a piece which fits right into your space. 

To get started, browse our range of pre-designed wooden outdoor pub garden furniture online, give us a call on 01305 849386 or fill out our online contact form.

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